Van Hulzen Asset Management

Founded in 1998, Van Hulzen Asset Management specializes in equity allocations for institutional mandates, ranging from low volatility covered call strategies to more growth-oriented small cap strategies. Van Hulzen Asset Management has an over 22 year covered call track record and has over 8 years in its small cap strategy. Both strategies have been audited for compliance with GIPS standards.

has extensive experience with institutional investor mandates, with more than $2.0 Billion of discretionary assets under management.


John R. Pearce

John joined the Firm in February 2008. He co-manages the Firm’s equity, covered call and small cap strategies. Prior to joining Van Hulzen, he was a Director in the Investment Banking division of Credit Suisse Securities. Prior to Credit Suisse, he was an equity analyst at HOLT.

Stefan ten Brink

Stefan joined the Firm in January 2011 from Petercam Asset Management in Amsterdam. He has 27 years of investment advisory experience, having co-managed the Ahold Pension Fund prior to joining Petercam. He has 23+ years experience with the HOLT framework.


Van Hulzen’s Large Cap Strategy seeks an attractive long term investment return through our Growth At A Reasonable “Profile” approach. We invest in stable, established blue chip companies that are expanding rapidly, beating their cost of capital, and consistently beating analyst expectations for growth and profitability.

The strategy invests in strong and consistent companies (typically greater than $10bn market cap) that exhibit the following characteristics:

• Relevant/leading technologies
• Strong & improving cash flow ROI
• Positive earnings revisions /surprises
• Strong growth profile
• Low debt
• Reasonable valuation